Eurisy European Association

Eurisy is a European non-profit association constituted under French law, based in Paris. Its members comprise space agencies and other public bodies across Europe, including the European Space Agency (ESA). 
Its mission is to disseminate the use of space-based products and services so as to consolidate the benefits the space-derived innovation provides to European society, economy and environment. With this goal in mind, EURISY’s role is to proactively support final user communities in making increasing use of satellite services. 
EURISY’s actions encompass raising awareness of the advantages of satellite information and services, advising and supporting end-users in their implementation, facilitating the dialogue between end-user communities and the space community, producing and disseminating information on end-users’ culture and agenda and on their use and implementation of satellite information and services, providing European and national decision-makers with bottom-up feedback from end-user communities on their needs, etc. 
In a nutshell, Eurisy acts as a facilitator of innovation, a catalyser for collaboration, a match-maker for people and organisations with common interests in advancing innovation, and as an adviser to policy makers.